Monday, December 17, 2007

Assassins Creed Review

Okay so I had heard a lot of mixed reviews about this game and almost did not buy it. That would have been a HUGE mistake. This is one of the most innovative games of our time and I don't mean that lightly. You would be hard-pressed to find another game like this out there.

I'll start with saying that there are an incredible amount of ways you can assassinate people or get to the top of the highest building. First off you can sneak up behind someone and stab them or throw a knife in their back without drawing attention and walk away, you can create a huge sword fight involving guards and finish them all off, you can jump down kill your target and then flee and then jump in a haystack to hide or do it a variety of other ways.

The way you go from building to building is called free-running. It is one of the most fun things I have done in a video game. You can go from blending in with the crowd, to walking slowly, to running, to sprinting as fast as lightning. Then you climb a building, jump on a pole and hide in a roof guarden and the guards are dumbfounded. A lot of my time on this game is spent running around. That is one thing I have heard bad about this game: The length. The length of the story could probably be short if you went through the main assassinations quickly, but that is no fun. There are over 60 side quest assassinations, guards you can kill everywhere and flags to collect. I could see myself playing this game months from now.

Their are a variety of flags sprawled acrosss the entire map. For each road and city you have to collect 25-100 flags. The story for this game is excellent so far and I have heard it will be a trilogy. Their is a shocker in the very beginning of the story that makes the story more interesting.

Overall I have heard that this game sometimes gets repetitive, and I could see that happening, but seriously with all the other games that are out and coming out all you would have to do is take a break. Everytime I have come back to playing this game I have done something new and some of your kills are so stylized it seems like a movie.

Honestly if you are thinking of buying this game, do it and you won't be dissapointed. If you are worried about the length, trust me once you play it you won't be anymore because of all the side things you can do. The achievements are very fun to get and to get them all would take a fairly long time(*cough* Flags *cough*). Ultimately I would give this game a 8.9/10

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