Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Halo 3 Review

With all the hype going into Halo 3 I really bought into it. I was just as excited as any fanboy for this game although I hadn't played much Halo 2. Once I played the game for the first time I was ecstatic. It is one of the most fast-paced First Person Shooters I have ever played. This is coming from someone who hasn't really played the Halo franchise and I'm here to say I love the game.

First off, the single player is long enough, but is repetitive if you are going for achievements. I have probably played all the levels 3 or 4 times and I have completed it on Legendary. The game isn't too difficult with coop partners in Legendary, but is insane by yourself with a few skulls turned on. All in all the levels are fairly entertaining except Level 8 Cortana. That ones just a bother. The last level though is a race to the finish type where you have to make it to the ship while all Halo explodes around you and its pretty fun. The levels are set up well enough as to where you can play the single player a couple times. The META game achievements(you earn points by turning on scoring on certain levels and have to get a certain amount) get very old, very fast. After playing the single player a few times it is just a chore and you have to mix it up with the real prize: multiplayer.

Multiplayer is great because of what I mentioned before, the quickness of it. You have to be able to chose your weapons and where your going fast. And when I say chose your weapons I mean it, there is a huge variety of weapons in this game for any style of player. Playing online is highly addictive and very competitive. I enjoy trying to rank up and playing with my friends. The gameplay is very similar to Halo 2. There are new maps, and a increasing number of downloadable content.

The theater and forge are new features that are different from any other game. The theater records and keeps your last 20 games and you can go back and watch them like a movie. You can then edit them and make a video of your great kill, or a screenshot of a funny event.

The forge is also a very cool feature. It allows you to edit the maps and place items where you wish them to be. Although this sounds awesome forge can be difficult and often very frustrating. I think with some minor tinkering it could be much better.

Overall this is also a very good game and a MUST have for any xbox 360 owner. Almost everyone I know has this game and you would be missing out to not get into it. After playing through it for more than 2 months I'm giving it a 9.3/10

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