Sunday, December 23, 2007

Peter Jackson To Produce Hobbit Movies

Apparently New Line Cinema and Peter Jackson have gotten over their differences and come to an agreement over "The Hobbit", a prequel to "The Lord Of The Rings" which Jackson directed. It is also a book written by Tolkien and is less about the one ring than the other three. This book/movie isn't about the fellowship either, but rather a backstory of the people before it (Some Relatives). EX. Bilbo, Gloin (Gimli's Father)

In a statement to the press a spokesman for Jackson said "I'm very pleased that we've been able to put our differences behind us, so that we may begin a new chapter with our old friends at New Line," Jackson said in a statement. "We are delighted to continue our journey through Middle Earth."

There are two hobbit films planned for release and they are going to be shot simultaneously like the other LOTR and also like Pirates of the Caribbean. These films are planned for the release in 2010 and 2011. Well I am glad that's over with and hopefully they can live up to the expectation that the other three LOTR's left us with.

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